


Educational Consultation

Our educational consultation service is designed to provide guidance, advocacy, and support to parents, guardians, caregivers, or any stakeholder of a school-aged child (age 2-22), that is identified as a student with a disability or has a suspected disability. Our goal is to increase knowledge and awareness of special education programs, accommodations, and the continuum of services, to prepare stakeholders for partnering with their child’s school. Some of our support is in the form of reviewing documents such as an Individualized Educational Program (IEP), Prior Written Notice (PWN), Eligibility (initial or re-evaluation), or meeting minutes. We are also available to discuss or answer any clarifying questions one may have regarding the special education process according to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and/or your local state or school division’s policies & procedures.

Mindfulness Consultation

Our mindful/wellness consultation service is designed to empower others to see beyond their past and emerge as the best version of themselves in full awareness, applying self-love and self-compassion practices, while persevering, without judgment of their current path. During this service we provide guidance and support that aligns with each individual’s goal and purpose. Consultation appointments are tailored to serve as a resource of support and safe space to express any concerns, questions, or unsettling feelings one may have on their current journey or path.

For speaking engagements or book signings, click the Calendly banner below or email us at